
Unity osx player prefs not working
Unity osx player prefs not working

unity osx player prefs not working

Right-Click on the Canvas you created and Navigate to UI.Set the Render Mode to Camera, and set the Camera to the Main Camera in the scene. Go to the GameObject Menu at the top of the screen, and select Canvas.Call both the project and scene whatever you feel like. Create a new project and a new scene in Unity.** To create an example that will allow you to follow on with this tutorial, perform the following steps:

unity osx player prefs not working


So let’s take a look at the code we would need to implement that. Well, in this exact example we only need to save our name once, and simply reference it later. Meaning that we want to remember how powerful our character is, and also we want to remember their name. Let’s suggest in our exact example, we are making a fantasy game, where you can name your character, and for every orb you collect, you increase in power by one. So if your save information contains non-sensitive information, this is an entirely ideal method for you to use, or even practice with in development – however, if you find yourself saving information that may pertain to monetisation availability etc, then you may want to skip this part, and go to SERIALIZATION (coming soon).

unity osx player prefs not working

It also can only handle a certain number of data types. The downside, is that it’s not entirely secure, and unfortunately should someone be determined enough to break into it, they can. Player Prefs is a platform independent means of saving, that’s incredibly quick to implement, and consistently reliable, which is the main upside of using player prefs in your game. So without further ado let begin covering the first of the two types of saving and loading within Unity, PLAYER PREFS. This part contains Player Prefs, with Serialization coming soon. I’ve split this particular tutorial into two parts, Player Prefs, and Serialization for better readability. Well, fortunately – I thought I’d cover this topic in detail, so that should you ever need a guiding hand, you can use this as a reference to implement your own systems. The concept of saving and loading can be a daunting one, both with the impending fear of implementing the thing properly, but also with either a distinct lack of information, or an abundance of misinformation on how it works.

Unity osx player prefs not working